Michael McCray co-founded the International Association of Whistleblowers (IAW) and is the General Counsel for the Federally Employed Women Legal Education Fund (FEW-LEF), which champions equal employment opportunity. He is an active member of the No FEAR Coalition, which promotes and supported the passage of the Notification and Federal Employee Anti-Discrimination and Retaliation Act (No FEAR) of 2002—the first civil rights law of the 21st Century. McCray is also the chief organizer for the Whistleblower Summit for Civil and Human Rights WhistleblowerSummit.com, an annual conference that takes place on Capitol Hill.
Michael McCray is a 2007 recipient of the "No FEAR Award" in Washington, DC. In 2008, Michael McCray received statewide recognition for outstanding work in peace and social justice when he was recognized by the OMNI Center For Peace, Justice & Ecology as an ARKANSAS PEACE & JUSTICE HERO in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Invite Michael to make a memorable contribution to conferences, events and conventions that welcome his “tell-it-like-it-is” style of story telling and audience engagement. Learn more about his training programs, invite him to speak or contribute to your conference, or place orders for his breakthrough book RACE, POWER & POLITICS—Memoirs of an ACORN Whistleblower—today.
The Cliff Robertson Sentinel Award (2021)
You can help give more power and voice to whistleblowers by supporting the Whistleblower Summit & Film Festival. You will be helping to highlight civil and human rights violations across the globe. Call us at (870) 543-0024 or email us at mccray.michael@gmail.com.