Welcome to the Whistleblower Summit & Film Festival’s Author Series page! Please support your favorite authors by learning more about their books below:
ACORN 8-Race, Power & Politics
The Inside Story of ACORN. Michael McCray writes a cautionary tale of corruption and deceit within the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) told from the perspective of ACORN National Board Members. Eight courageous low-income community members refused to drink the Kool-Aid within the “Jones Town” cult-like association by challenging Wade Rathke, its “Jim Jones” style leader and the entire 400,000 member ACORN establishment. Michael McCray has appeared on Pacifica Radio, CNN Lou Dobbs Tonight and Fox News Glenn Beck.
Censored 2014: Fearless Speech in Fateful Times; The Top Censored Stories and Media Analysis of 2012-13
From Chelsea Manning and the Failure of Corporate Media to the Trans-Pacific Partnership and a “Culture of Cruelty” along the Mexico-US Border, Censored 2014: Fearless Speech in Fateful Times reports the News That Didn't Make the News and analyzes why. Censored 2014 celebrates the importance of a truly free press for democratic self-government, and it holds to account the corporate media for their failure to provide the public with complete, relevant news coverage. Daniel Ellsberg calls Censored 2014: Fearless Speech in Fateful Times, "a clarion call for truth telling. Not only does this volume highlight fearless speech in fateful times, it connects the dots between the key issues we face, lauds our whistleblowers and amplifies their voices, and shines light in the dark places of our government that most need exposure."
Altered Genes, Twisted Truth--How the Venture to Genetically Engineer Our Food Has Subverted Science
Steven Druker writes a graphic account of the biggest scientific fraud of our age. Altered Genes, Twisted Truth explores how this elaborate fraud was crafted and how it not only deceived the general public but Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Barack Obama and a host of other astute and influential individuals as well. The book also exposes how the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was induced to become a key accomplice--and how it has broken the law and repeatedly lied in order to usher genetically engineered foods onto the market without the safety testing that's required by federal statute. As a result, for fifteen years America's families have been regularly ingesting a group of novel products that the FDA's own scientific staff had previously determined to be unduly hazardous to human health.
On February 8, 2006, Frank Vetro, the young, popular principal of a school in eastern Long Island, saw his life dramatically altered. On that day, he was arrested and effectively labeled a terrorist who had hidden under the guise of a New York educator. In Standing on Principal, he shares his personal story, detailing his arrest, his nights in jail, the court proceedings, and the subsequent fight to clear his name after the alleged scandal was nurtured into the national limelight. Now he recounts the injustice, and the lack of integrity of individuals who allowed the destruction of his life without a moment’s concern for fairness of truth. Telling a real-life story of deception and scandal, Standing on Principal exposes rogue elements of a system that underestimated the tenacious character of its accused and shows how Vetro sacrificed everything as he refused to be intimidated by a political machine.
Presidential Puppetry documents what many millions have long suspected: secretive elites guide our government leaders. The first book to analyze the Obama second term is also one of the first to examine the 2012 elections. Puppetry reveals scandals and shows why Congress, courts, and other watchdog institutions fail to report key facts about even the biggest news makers. Puppetry unfolds like a mystery extending over decades to the present. By the end, this compelling narrative documented with 1,200 endnotes shows hidden links between puppet masters, political leaders, spy agencies, and the economic austerity now being imposed on a hapless public. By exposing key secrets, it provides a roadmap for reform.
17 Steps: A Federal Employee’s Guide for Tackling Workplace Discrimination
“A must-read how-to guide for employees and job applicants challenging unfair treatment in the federal workplace.” The guidebook, written by Tanya Ward Jordan, President and Founder of The Coalition For Change, Inc., (C4C), offers winning ways to protect your well-being and walks you through the grueling and time-sensitive federal Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) complaint process. This invaluable resource book - complete with diagrams, sample letters, personal testimonies, web-link references, and employment case decisions - will help you when facing a variety of issues arising in the workplace.
Tom Devine is legal director of the Government Accountability Project, where he has worked since January 1979. Tom has been an “Ambassador of Whistleblowing” for the State Department in over a dozen nations on speaking tours to advocate whistleblower rights as a cornerstone transparency reform for globalization. He has authored or co-authored numerous books, including Courage Without Martyrdom” The Whistleblower’s Survival Guide, The Art of Anonymous Activism, law review articles, newspaper op-ed articles, and The Corporate Whistleblower Survival Guide: A Handbook for Committing the Truth, which just won the award as International Business Book of the Year at the 2011 Frankfurt Book Fair.
Ever wonder how politics turned into a take-no-prisoners blood sport? The New York Times bestselling author of Stonewalled pulls back the curtain on the shady world of opposition research and reveals the dirty tricks those in power use to influence your opinions. Attkisson exposes the diabolical tactics of Smear artists and their outrageous access to the biggest names in political media - operatives who are corrupting the political process and discouraging widespread citizen involvement in our democracy.
Crisis of Conscience explores two parallel trends in American society: the rise of whistleblowing, and the spread of pervasive fraud. It analyzes the culture, psychology and group dynamics of the whistleblowing act, and of the corruptions, both public and private, that whistleblowers reveal.
An updated edition of the first-ever consumer guide to whistleblowing by the nation’s leading whistleblower attorney.The newest edition of The Whistleblower’s Handbook brings the most comprehensive and authoritative guide to exposing workplace wrongdoing up-to-date with new information on wildlife whistleblowing, auto safety whistleblowing, national security whistleblowing, and ocean pollution whistleblowing. It also includes a new “Toolkit” for international whistleblowers.
A page-turning real-life thriller, Lucifer's Banker is a fascinating behind-the-scenes look at the secret Swiss high-net worth banking industry and a harrowing account of our government's justice system. Readers will follow Bradley Birkenfeld and share his outrage with the incompetence and possible corruption at the Department of Justice, and they will cheer him on as he ''hammers'' one of the most well-known and powerful banks in the world.
You can help give more power and voice to whistleblowers by supporting the Whistleblower Summit & Film Festival. You will be helping to highlight civil and human rights violations across the globe. Call us at (870) 543-0024 or email us at mccray.michael@gmail.com.